Award-winning Houston Ophthalmologist has spent his life dedicated to medical education and practice. During that time, he has founded the Annan Retina Eye Center to create a truly one-of-a-kind experience for patients needing eye treatments. After graduating with honors from American University, Beirut in 2005, Dr. El Annan completed his Ophthalmology research fellowship at Harvard Medical School in 2008.
Hospital Affiliation
Honours & Certificates
Speciality: Ophthalmology; Diseases and Surgery of the Retina and Vitreos
Diplomate, American Board of Ophthalmology
Clinical Associate Professor, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Clinical Associate Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch
Clinical Associate Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
Medical Degree: American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Research Fellowship: Harvard Medical School/Schepens Eye Research Institute/
Massachusetts Eye and Ear infirmary/ Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Internship: Greater Baltimore Medical Center Johns Hopkins Medicine, Towson, Maryland
Residency: University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
Fellowship: Cullen Eye Institute Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
Honor Award, American Society of Retina Specialists. Chicago, 2019
Elected Member Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, Louisville, 2012
Resident Research Award “Retinochoroidal Lymphangiogenesis and Retinal Autoimmunity”
University of Louisville, Louisville, 2012
Congressional Proclamation “For outstanding service to patients and the medical community“
Dan Crenshaw, Member of congress, August 1st 2022
Dr. El Annan attended medical school at the American University of Beirut and was nominated to receive the Suad Al Sabah Award for Cultural and Scientific Manuscript. He then attended Harvard Medical School and successfully completed a post-doctoral research fellowship in cell biology and ocular immunology.
During his internship at Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC) he received the GBMC IRB House Staff Research Contest Award. During his Ophthalmology residency at the University of Louisville, he was nominated to receive the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society and the Resident Research Award for best research.
He then completed a 2-year fellowship in Diseases and Surgery of the Retina and Vitreous at the Cullen Eye Institute, Baylor College of Medicine.

